Real Stories. Real Growth. Real Results
"I have benefited tremendously from the Ignite Your F.I.R.E program! I was able to learn along
with my students and even though I wish I could have learned this earlier in life it's still better
late than never. Thanks to this program I have now opened a high yield savings account with
Ally Bank, like Justine recommended. I have also opened an E-Trade brokerage account and
have invested in about 10 different ETFs like I learned to do thanks to this program.
Like I mentioned earlier, thanks to the Ignite Your F.I.R.E program I have opened a HYSA and a
brokerage account. If I continue to save and invest into these accounts monthly like I learned in
this financial literacy program then I am very confident that I will be much better financially set
for my future. I am looking forward to the results I will see 5 - 10 years in the future thanks to the
Ignite Your F.I.R.E program!
I ABSOLUTELY recommend this program to other high school students! I believe it is students
that come from impoverished backgrounds, like myself, that would benefit the most from this
information. Even at my adult age I do not personally know of many people who have the
financial literacy that I have now thanks to the Ignite Your F.I.R.E program! If more students who
grew up similar to me are exposed to this information at such an early age, then that can open
so many more opportunities for them to better themselves financially as they get older.
Hopefully, those students can spread the word in their communities to help ensure that we
support each other in creating better futures for ourselves
Thank you again Justine for educating us and helping us become financially set for our futures!"
Here's what clients are saying:
“I recently consulted with Justine to address my debt and budgeting challenges. I was struggling to create an effective debt repayment plan, but Justine guided me through two approaches to tackle my debt. Thanks to her assistance, I now feel more confident and organized in my budgeting efforts, and I have a solid plan in place to pay off my debt. Before this, I often felt anxious and unable to make progress on reducing my debt. Justine's advice and support have equipped me with the necessary details, plan, and confidence to achieve financial success."
“Before meeting with Justine I was lost, scared, and a little embarrassed about my finances. I knew I had debt (student loans, dental, credit card) but I was overwhelmed and didn't know where to start. I landed a new better paying job and didn't know how to manage my money. Since working with her, I have less worry and stress about finances. My relationship with money has improved and I'm more confident and financially literate. It was nice to have a non-judgmental & unbiased person to sort my finances with. I have more control over my money, I'm paying off debt, and most importantly I have a plan! I never would have gotten here without Justine and her uplifting and empowering demeanor. Thank you Justine!"